Photo Essay- American Dream.pptx Photo Essay- American Dream.pptx
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The American Dream is an important idea that has been inspired by several viewpoints from a variety of people. One of these major ideas is freedom. Prior to taking this class, I didn’t truly appreciate all of the freedoms that have been given to me because I live in the United States. Some of these freedoms include the right to say what I want and carry out any action. From this class, I received greater understanding about what responsibility can come with being given all of our freedoms. We have to choose what is good and bad for us in our lives. From what we decide and act upon based on these ideas, we may face consequences that may benefit us in positive or negative ways. In addition to this, I feel that we have the responsibility to stand by the choices that our government decides for the country. Although you might not agree with the policies or laws passed, we should still support our leaders because they were elected into office. In addition to this idea, we also have the duty to defy any unjust laws in a peaceful manner. If a law passed in the country affects most citizens in a negative way, it is up to the people to show what needs to be changed so that the law can be revised or gotten rid of. Overall, taking this course has led to me looking at a variety of ideas that I don’t often pay attention to. It gave me greater understanding about the world around us and how we have a responsibility to it and everyone upon it.   

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