This course helped me to learn about how to improve some of my skills on a computer as well as understanding how to use different operating systems. The course went through Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint individually and showed how to use each of the programs. It helped me to be more efficient in the programs to be able to complete my work in a faster manner. Learning about the Microsoft operating system helped me to be able to take better advantage of what it has to offer by showing my quicker and more efficient ways to a variety of things. As a whole, the course was very informative and helped me to be able to use my computer more efficiently at home. 

Eportfolio-CIS 1020 Word Doc.docx Eportfolio-CIS 1020 Word Doc.docx
Size : 140.153 Kb
Type : docx
Eportfolio- CIS 1020 Excel Doc.xlsx Eportfolio- CIS 1020 Excel Doc.xlsx
Size : 18.042 Kb
Type : xlsx
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